ROMA - 2017
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR Project Solhar (2013-2017), 4 years.

The ANR Project Solhar was launched in November 2013, for a duration of 48 months. It gathers five academic partners (the HiePACS, Cepage, Roma and Runtime Inria project-teams, and CNRS-IRIT) and two industrial partners (CEA/CESTA and EADS-IW). This project aims at studying and designing algorithms and parallel programming models for implementing direct methods for the solution of sparse linear systems on emerging computers equipped with accelerators.

The proposed research is organized along three distinct research thrusts. The first objective deals with linear algebra kernels suitable for heterogeneous computing platforms. The second one focuses on runtime systems to provide efficient and robust implementation of dense linear algebra algorithms. The third one is concerned with scheduling this particular application on a heterogeneous and dynamic environment.

ANR JCJC Project CODAS (2018-2022), 4 years.

The ANR project Codas was accepted in July 2017. He will be launched in February 2018. Il gathers a little team of five persons including Laure Gonnord (PI) and Christophe Alias.

This project aims as studying the combination of formal methods such as abstract interpretation and term rewriting to address the challenge of scheduling complex data structures as well as complex flow graph.